Murzilka | Дата: Вторник, 30.04.2013, 08:58 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1617
Статус: Offline
| я создал ее структуру скриптом но сама база весит 4 гига и понятно что набивать нормативную документацию не реально а бекапа у нее нет... но есть restore.sql - он был создан в PostgreSQL под линуксом... мне надо загрузить ее PostgreSQL под винду.
при попытке восстановить стандартными средствами он ищет бекап фал
Но мы имеем только выгрузку из посерса с нилинуха restore.sql
Вот собственно листинг:
create temporary table pgdump_restore_path(p text); -- -- NOTE: -- -- File paths need to be edited. Search for $$PATH$$ and -- replace it with the path to the directory containing -- the extracted data files. -- -- Edit the following to match the path where the -- tar archive has been extracted. -- insert into pgdump_restore_path values('/tmp');
-- -- PostgreSQL database dump --
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_deatel_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_deatel_table_1_cod_vidi_deatel_0_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_deatel_table_0 DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_deatel_table_0_cod_kat_izd_0_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisanti_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisanti_table_name_role_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_otpisant_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_otpisant_table_cod_otpisant_1_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_form_print DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_form_print_cod_otpisant_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_doc_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_doc_table_cod_otpisant_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_doc_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_doc_table_1_cod_otpisant_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.metki_user DROP CONSTRAINT metki_user_cod_otpisant_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.metki_table DROP CONSTRAINT metki_table_cod_metka_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.metki_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT metki_table_1_cod_metka_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_1_cod_kat_izd_0_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.img_file_form DROP CONSTRAINT img_file_form_cod_otpisant_form_print_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_cod_vidi_hran_table_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_cod_vidi_deatel_table_1_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_cod_vidi_deatel_table_0_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_cod_type_doc_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_cod_kat_izd_table_1_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_cod_kat_izd_table_0_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_cod_vidi_hran_table_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_cod_vidi_deatel_table_1_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_cod_vidi_deatel_table_0_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_cod_type_doc_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_cod_kat_izd_table_1_fkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_cod_kat_izd_table_0_fkey; DROP TRIGGER otpisant_form_print_delete ON public.otpisant_form_print; DROP TRIGGER otpisant_doc_table_insert_mail ON public.otpisant_doc_table; DROP TRIGGER otpisant_doc_table_delete_mail ON public.otpisant_doc_table; DROP TRIGGER img_file_form_delete ON public.img_file_form; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_vnech_insert_mail_isp_update ON public.doc_table_vnech; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_vnech_insert_mail_isp_delete ON public.doc_table_vnech; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_vnech_insert_mail_isp ON public.doc_table_vnech; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_vnech_delete ON public.doc_table_vnech; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_mestn_insert_mail_isp_update ON public.doc_table_mestn; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_mestn_insert_mail_isp_delete ON public.doc_table_mestn; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_mestn_insert_mail_isp ON public.doc_table_mestn; DROP TRIGGER doc_table_mestn_delete ON public.doc_table_mestn; DROP INDEX public.name_vidi_deatel_cod_vidi_deatel_0_vdt1; DROP INDEX public.name_vidi_deatel_cod_kat_izd_0_vdt0; DROP INDEX public.index_vidi_deatel_cod_vidi_deatel_0_vdt1; DROP INDEX public.index_vidi_deatel_cod_kat_izd_0_vdt0; DROP INDEX public.index_slujba_ot; DROP INDEX public.index_razrabotchik_vneh_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_otpravitel_doc_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_nomer_reg_lpu_nom_dop_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_nomer_reg_lpu_nom_dop_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_nomer_reg_lpu_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_nomer_reg_lpu_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_nomer_gty_lpu_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_name_vidi_hran_vht; DROP INDEX public.index_name_vidi_deatel_vdt1; DROP INDEX public.index_name_vidi_deatel_vdt0; DROP INDEX public.index_name_type_doc_tdt; DROP INDEX public.index_name_metka_mu; DROP INDEX public.index_name_metka_cod_otpisant_mu; DROP INDEX public.index_name_kat_izd_kit1; DROP INDEX public.index_name_kat_izd_kit0; DROP INDEX public.index_name_form_cod_otpisant; DROP INDEX public.index_name_form; DROP INDEX public.index_name_doc_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_name_doc_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_index_vidi_hran_vht; DROP INDEX public.index_index_type_doc_tdt; DROP INDEX public.index_indefik_kod_doc_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_indefik_kod_doc_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_fio_ot; DROP INDEX public.index_date_zanesenia_file_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_date_zanesenia_file_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_date_utvergd_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_date_utvergd_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_date_postuplenia_odt1; DROP INDEX public.index_date_postuplenia_odt; DROP INDEX public.index_date_postuplenia_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_date_postuplenia_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_date_aktualizac_dtv; DROP INDEX public.index_date_aktualizac_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_cod_vidi_deatel_0_vdt1; DROP INDEX public.index_cod_otpisant_razrabotchik_mestn_dtm; DROP INDEX public.index_cod_kat_izd_0_kit1; DROP INDEX public.index_co_cd_mmv_odt1; DROP INDEX public.index_co_cd_mmv_odt; DROP INDEX public.index_co2_oot; DROP INDEX public.index_co1_co2_oot; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_hran_table DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_hran_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_hran_table DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_hran_table_name_vidi_hran_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_hran_table DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_hran_table_index_vidi_hran_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_deatel_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_deatel_table_1_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.vidi_deatel_table_0 DROP CONSTRAINT vidi_deatel_table_0_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.type_doc_table DROP CONSTRAINT type_doc_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.type_doc_table DROP CONSTRAINT type_doc_table_name_type_doc_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.type_doc_table DROP CONSTRAINT type_doc_table_index_type_doc_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.role_table DROP CONSTRAINT role_table_role_name_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.role_table DROP CONSTRAINT role_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.role_table DROP CONSTRAINT role_table_descript_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.perehen_table DROP CONSTRAINT perehen_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.perehen_table DROP CONSTRAINT perehen_table_name_rus_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.perehen_table DROP CONSTRAINT perehen_table_name_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisanti_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisanti_table_slujba_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisanti_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisanti_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisanti_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisanti_table_name_user_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisanti_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisanti_table_fio_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_otpisant_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_otpisant_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_otpisant_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_otpisant_table_cod_otpisant_2_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_form_print DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_form_print_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_doc_table DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_doc_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.otpisant_doc_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT otpisant_doc_table_1_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.metki_user DROP CONSTRAINT metki_user_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.metki_table DROP CONSTRAINT metki_table_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.metki_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT metki_table_1_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.mail_insert DROP CONSTRAINT mail_insert_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.mail_insert_isp DROP CONSTRAINT mail_insert_isp_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.mail_del DROP CONSTRAINT mail_del_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.mail_del_isp DROP CONSTRAINT mail_del_isp_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_1_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_1_name_kat_izd_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_1_index_kat_izd_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_0 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_0_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_0 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_0_name_kat_izd_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.kat_izd_table_0 DROP CONSTRAINT kat_izd_table_0_index_kat_izd_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.img_file_form DROP CONSTRAINT img_file_form_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_name_doc_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_vnech DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_vnech_indefik_kod_doc_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_name_doc_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.doc_table_mestn DROP CONSTRAINT doc_table_mestn_indefik_kod_doc_key; ALTER TABLE public.vidi_hran_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.vidi_deatel_table_1 ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.vidi_deatel_table_0 ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.type_doc_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.role_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.perehen_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.otpisanti_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_otpisant_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_form_print ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_doc_table_1 ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_doc_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.metki_user ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.metki_table_1 ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.metki_table ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.mail_insert_isp ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.mail_insert ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.mail_del_isp ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.mail_del ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.kat_izd_table_1 ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.kat_izd_table_0 ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.img_file_form ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.doc_table_vnech ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE public.doc_table_mestn ALTER COLUMN cod DROP DEFAULT; DROP SEQUENCE public.vidi_hran_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.vidi_deatel_table_1_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.vidi_deatel_table_0_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.type_doc_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.role_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.perehen_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.otpisanti_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.otpisant_otpisant_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.otpisant_form_print_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.otpisant_doc_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.otpisant_doc_table_1_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.metki_user_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.metki_table_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.metki_table_1_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.mail_insert_isp_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.mail_insert_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.mail_del_isp_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.mail_del_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.kat_izd_table_1_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.kat_izd_table_0_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.img_file_form_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.doc_table_vnech_cod_seq; DROP SEQUENCE public.doc_table_mestn_cod_seq; DROP FUNCTION public.otpisant_form_print_delete(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_otpisant_doc_table(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_isp_doc_table_vnech_update(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_isp_doc_table_vnech_delete(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_isp_doc_table_vnech(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_isp_doc_table_mestn_update(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_isp_doc_table_mestn_delete(); DROP FUNCTION public.insert_mail_isp_doc_table_mestn(); DROP FUNCTION public.img_file_form_delete(); DROP FUNCTION public.doc_table_vnech_delete_otpisant_doc_table_cd_mmv(); DROP FUNCTION public.doc_table_mestn_delete_otpisant_doc_table_cd_mmv(); DROP FUNCTION public.delete_mail_otpisant_doc_table(); DROP TABLE public.vidi_hran_table; DROP TABLE public.vidi_deatel_table_1; DROP TABLE public.vidi_deatel_table_0; DROP TABLE public.type_doc_table; DROP TABLE public.role_table; DROP TABLE public.perehen_table; DROP TABLE public.otpisanti_table; DROP TABLE public.otpisant_otpisant_table; DROP TABLE public.otpisant_form_print; DROP TABLE public.otpisant_doc_table_1; DROP TABLE public.otpisant_doc_table; DROP TABLE public.metki_user; DROP TABLE public.metki_table_1; DROP TABLE public.metki_table; DROP TABLE public.mail_insert_isp; DROP TABLE public.mail_insert; DROP TABLE public.mail_del_isp; DROP TABLE public.mail_del; DROP TABLE public.kat_izd_table_1; DROP TABLE public.kat_izd_table_0; DROP TABLE public.img_file_form; DROP TABLE public.doc_table_vnech; DROP TABLE public.doc_table_mestn; DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql; DROP SCHEMA public; -- -- Name: public; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres --
ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO postgres;
-- -- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: postgres --
COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'standard public schema';
-- -- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: postgrewww --
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- -- Name: doc_table_mestn; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE doc_table_mestn ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_hran_table integer NOT NULL, cod_type_doc integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_deatel_table_0 integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_deatel_table_1 integer, cod_kat_izd_table_0 integer NOT NULL, cod_kat_izd_table_1 integer NOT NULL, nom_dop character varying(10), nomer_reg_lpu integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_razrabotchik_mestn integer NOT NULL, date_zanesenia_file date, name_doc character varying(300) NOT NULL, date_utvergd date NOT NULL, indefik_kod_doc character varying(100) NOT NULL, date_aktualizac date, cod_otpisant_mesto_hran integer NOT NULL, primechanie character varying(100), oid_file integer, name_files text, metka_deystv boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, date_postuplenia date NOT NULL, dattim_ins timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() );
ALTER TABLE public.doc_table_mestn OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: doc_table_vnech; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE doc_table_vnech ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_hran_table integer NOT NULL, cod_type_doc integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_deatel_table_0 integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_deatel_table_1 integer, cod_kat_izd_table_0 integer NOT NULL, cod_kat_izd_table_1 integer, nom_dop character varying(10), nomer_reg_lpu integer NOT NULL, nomer_gty_lpu integer NOT NULL, otpravitel_doc character varying(100) NOT NULL, razrabotchik_vneh character varying(100), date_zanesenia_file date, name_doc character varying(300) NOT NULL, date_utvergd date NOT NULL, indefik_kod_doc character varying(100) NOT NULL, date_aktualizac date, cod_otpisant_mesto_hran integer NOT NULL, primechanie character varying(100), oid_file integer, name_files text, metka_deystv boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, date_postuplenia date NOT NULL, dattim_ins timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), nom_kop_gty integer );
ALTER TABLE public.doc_table_vnech OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: img_file_form; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE img_file_form ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_form_print integer NOT NULL, oid_file integer, name_files text );
ALTER TABLE public.img_file_form OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: kat_izd_table_0; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE kat_izd_table_0 ( cod integer NOT NULL, name_kat_izd character varying(100) NOT NULL, index_kat_izd integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.kat_izd_table_0 OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: kat_izd_table_1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE kat_izd_table_1 ( cod integer NOT NULL, name_kat_izd character varying(100) NOT NULL, index_kat_izd character varying(10) NOT NULL, cod_kat_izd_0 integer NOT NULL, metka_izd_mestn boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.kat_izd_table_1 OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: mail_del; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE mail_del ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_doc_table integer NOT NULL, cod_doc integer NOT NULL, metka_mestn_vnechnie boolean NOT NULL, cod_otpisant integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.mail_del OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: mail_del_isp; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE mail_del_isp ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_doc integer NOT NULL, metka_mestn_vnechnie boolean NOT NULL, name_doc character varying(200) NOT NULL, indefik_kod_doc character varying(100) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.mail_del_isp OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: mail_insert; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE mail_insert ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_doc_table integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.mail_insert OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: mail_insert_isp; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE mail_insert_isp ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_doc integer NOT NULL, metka_mestn_vnechnie boolean NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.mail_insert_isp OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: metki_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE metki_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_doc integer NOT NULL, cod_metka integer NOT NULL, name_table_doc character varying(50) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.metki_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: metki_table_1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE metki_table_1 ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_doc_1 integer NOT NULL, cod_metka integer NOT NULL, name_table_doc character varying(50) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.metki_table_1 OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: metki_user; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE metki_user ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant integer NOT NULL, name_metka character varying(50) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.metki_user OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: otpisant_doc_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE otpisant_doc_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant integer NOT NULL, cod_doc integer NOT NULL, metka_mestn_vnechnie boolean NOT NULL, nomer_kop integer, date_postuplenia date NOT NULL, primechanie character varying(100), dattim_ins timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), cod_otpisant_prim integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_doc_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: otpisant_doc_table_1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE otpisant_doc_table_1 ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant integer NOT NULL, cod_doc integer NOT NULL, metka_mestn_vnechnie boolean NOT NULL, nomer_kop integer NOT NULL, date_postuplenia date NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_doc_table_1 OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: otpisant_form_print; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE otpisant_form_print ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant integer NOT NULL, name_form character varying(100), oid_file integer, name_files text, dattim_ins timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() );
ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_form_print OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: otpisant_otpisant_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE otpisant_otpisant_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_1 integer NOT NULL, cod_otpisant_2 integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.otpisant_otpisant_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: otpisanti_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE otpisanti_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, slujba character varying(50) NOT NULL, fio character varying(50) NOT NULL, name_user character varying(50) NOT NULL, name_role character varying(50) NOT NULL, name_table character varying(50), rang_user integer, email_adr character varying(300) );
ALTER TABLE public.otpisanti_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: perehen_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE perehen_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, name character varying(50) NOT NULL, name_rus character varying(50) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.perehen_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: role_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE role_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, role_name character varying(50) NOT NULL, descript character varying(50) NOT NULL, password_name character varying(50) );
ALTER TABLE public.role_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: type_doc_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE type_doc_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, name_type_doc character varying(50) NOT NULL, index_type_doc character varying(15) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.type_doc_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: vidi_deatel_table_0; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE vidi_deatel_table_0 ( cod integer NOT NULL, name_vidi_deatel character varying(100) NOT NULL, index_vidi_deatel integer NOT NULL, cod_kat_izd_0 integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.vidi_deatel_table_0 OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: vidi_deatel_table_1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE vidi_deatel_table_1 ( cod integer NOT NULL, name_vidi_deatel character varying(100) NOT NULL, index_vidi_deatel integer NOT NULL, cod_vidi_deatel_0 integer NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.vidi_deatel_table_1 OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: vidi_hran_table; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww; Tablespace: --
CREATE TABLE vidi_hran_table ( cod integer NOT NULL, name_vidi_hran character varying(50) NOT NULL, index_vidi_hran character varying(10) NOT NULL );
ALTER TABLE public.vidi_hran_table OWNER TO postgrewww;
-- -- Name: delete_mail_otpisant_doc_table(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgrewww --
( дальше обрезаю, в размер поста не лезат )
C уважением Некий Tomsik aka Мурзилка А у вас есть ручка за 2.50?
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